Lisa Ivancich is a partner at Pegnim & Ivancich, LLP, where she practices workers’ compensation and family law. Ms. Ivancich received her Bachelor’s of Art from UCLA, and graduated from Golden Gate University with her Juris Doctorate. Prior to her work as an Applicant’s attorney, Ms. Ivancich worked with insurance carriers and self-insurer employers, and is familiar with all sides of Workers' Compensation practice. She is a certified specialist in workers’ compensation law, and regularly serves as a pro tem judge at the Oakland workers’ compensation appeals board.
California Applicant's Attorney Association
California State Bar Workers' Compensation Section
Past Chair of Workers' Compensation Section, California State Bar
Vice President of Lend a Hand Foundation
President of the Pegnim & Ivancich Youth Foundation
UCLA Bachelor's of Art
Golden Gate University - Juris Doctorate
Lisa Ivancich